The Trick to Staying Relevant With Social Media:


The Trick to Staying Relevant With Social Media:

by Gosia Melton on February 8, 2022

Social media has become a major part of our day-to-day lives and it plays a crucial role in the success of any business. But how can you be sure your social media is working? How do you know what type of content to post, when to post it, and who to target? You need to understand that social media is constantly changing. It’s important to keep up with the latest trends in order to stay relevant.

See below for some tips on what you should be doing on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

What type of content should you post?

You should be posting content that your followers want to see. People like to interact with brands and businesses on social media, but they also want to know that the business is human too. This means sharing behind-the-scenes photos or videos, or just posting about what you’re doing when you're not working. This one is very important this keeps you more than just business focused , your followers want to see you being you! Your business came from your passion , show them you are human and very involved in your business and keep a close eye on it! Be the face of your company it will make people more comfortable knowing what you look like.

To figure out what type of content to post, take a look at your competition and their social media channels. Look at what types of posts they’re sharing and how much engagement they get. You can also ask your followers questions to bring engagement to your posts.

When should you post it?

Posting your content at the wrong time can mean you're posting for no one! For Facebook, it's important to post at the best time of day. If you're not sure what that is, try posting your posts an hour before work or an hour after work. It's also important to know when you should be posting on Instagram. There are two different times to post on Instagram - morning and evening. The reason morning posts are good is because people tend to scroll through their feeds in the morning with coffee before they head out for the day. Morning posts give them something satisfying and interesting to look at while they drink their coffee and prepare for their day. Evening posts are good because people scroll through social media before bed after a long day of work or school.

LinkedIn is different than Facebook and Instagram because it’s designed more like a networking site that encourages users to connect with other professionals in their industry. It’s not as simple as just posting something once, so you need to know how LinkedIn works if you want your company page to grow successfully. Every week you want to post something new about what’s going on in your industry or company, but don't go overboard with these updates! You want people who might be potential customers or partners to feel like they know who you are without being inundated with too many posts from you or information about what your company offers..

Where do you post your content?

One crucial thing to consider is where you’re posting your content. If you post the same content on a Facebook page and a LinkedIn page, chances are that one of them will be more successful. It all depends on what your audience expects from your specific social media platform. For example, if you’re using Facebook to advertise your company and connect with customers, it may be helpful to post pictures of your products. However, if you were using LinkedIn to reach out to industry you would want to post more text-based posts such as articles and blog posts.